Sunday, August 16, 2009

Words From Pilgrim Allison

I received this note from Allison on Friday--the last day of a trying and busy week. And though, I love this ministry, sometimes I forget about it until I receive a note like this, and I just felt so awesome knowing that "I' am still reaching out to people as my painting reaches its new destination every couple of weeks. That is how God works! Read Allison's account:

So I was having an especially trying day yesterday, lots on my mind; honestly while I looked pulled together and with it on the outside, I was anything but on the inside.

All day my mind had been racing, "what am I gonna do? how will I deal with all of this? Am I making the right decisions?" and so on...

All of this is still racing through my mind as I walk in at the end of the day and find a package from Minnesota. I look at the address and cannot figure out where it is from. Dad lives in Rochester but this is a St. Paul address and as far as I can remember all my friends and family no longer live in that area. Who on earth can this be from? And what is it???

Upon opening the package I discover I do have a friend in St. Paul and I have recieve the answers to all my questions that have been racing through my head that day.

You know "what I am gonna do?" I am gonna pray about it and put in all in God's hands.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Time With Claire

My twin sister is one of the Pilgrims who wished to participate in having Facing Jesus in St. Paul, MN.  That's the farthest it's been yet.  Read about her experience:

I have loved having this Jesus painting around me in my daily living the last 2 weeks!  It is a constant reminder of his presence with us at all times even in the mundane of our daily living.  This image of him is so moving with a hint of his crown of thorns and the intensity portrayed in his gentle eyes.  My family has relished in having the painting in the kitchen most of the two weeks.  I took it outside and propped it on the porch ledge in front of me while having my quiet time and devotion each morning. Somehow, it made Jesus feel even more real to me!  Thanks, Carole, for starting this wonderful ministry that we can each share in and pass this great painting on to the next person giving us all a feeling of connectedness.  It's WONDERFUL!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Pilgrim Jennifer Morrison had just returned from a mission trip and had this to say about her experience with "Facing Jesus":

Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of the Facing Jesus tour. As you know, I got to spend some time in Ecuador the week prior to receiving the was perfect timing! In my quiet time during the two weeks with the painting and throughout my days since, I have spent much time reflecting on my experiences there in Ecuador and meshing that with my life here. I placed the painting of Jesus' face in my kitchen/family room area where I spend most of my time and do my daily "quiet time" . What kept resounding to me was just how freeing my personal relationship with the Lord is. No matter how this world and our culture tries to lull us into a state of complacency, comfort and even apathy in the routines of religion, I have complete peace in knowing that my Jesus is real. There is more to Him than our routines and rituals that we sometimes equate with being a Christian. The life He has called us to is not one made up of a list of do's and dont's filled with condemnation, but one of freedom, peace and true joy. He wants a personal relationship with each of us and loves us so much. This time has given me an even greater longing to see Him face to face and to do what He has called me to do while I remain on this earth. I pray that everyone who reads this will search their hearts and lives and if they don't know Him personally, they will call out to Him today. Thanks again for a wonderful opportunity. Jennifer Morrison